yatekhram jr pwetty pwincess

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Motivasi buat bestest sahabat

Tazkirah For me & my besh Fwenz..

Allah knows best..

Allah knows what's the best for us
So why should we complain why rain
but He knows there must be the sunshine

Allah test us often
with suffering and sorrow not to punish us
but to help us meet tomorrow Allah test us often and for every pain
He gives
provided us with patience and followed by rich gain
So wherever we feel that everything is going wrong it is just Allah's way to make our spirit strong.

Bila Allah cepat makbulkan Doamu, Maka DIA Menyayangimu,
Bila DIA Lambat Makbulkan doamu, Maka DIA Ingin Mengujimu,
Bila DIA Tidak Makbulkan Doamu, Maka Dia Merancang Sesuatu Yang lebih Baik Untukmu.

Oleh itu, Sentiasalah Bersangka Baik Pada ALLAH Dalam Apa Jua Keadaan Pun...
Kerana Kasih sayang ALLAH Itu Mendahului KemurkaanNya.
Mungkin Allah sedang mempermudahkan jalan kita. wallahualam.

For my beshfwenz Eyta & Emmi:

Terima kaseh Allah atas nilai persahabatan ini..
sy syg korang berdua hokeh =)

Be strong k dear..i know what u've been through all this while.

Think positive and learn to accept every single thing that Allah has planned for us.
This is just a small test for u to make u more stranger than before...

Percayalah sure ada 1001 hikmah atas suratan yg telah direncana kanNYA.
Mungkin Allah sengaja menguji sejauhmana keimanan kita pdnya.
Percayalah sinar bahagia pastikan menjelma nanti.
Both of u success in love & life insya allah..

Thanks for always being my beshfwenz..
Hope this friendship remain forever till the end of time.
U guys mmg rocks!!

I always be right here for u whenever u need me =)

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